As of 2025, Marketing by the C now offers assistance with helping set-up business email addresses via primarily Google Workspace and Microsoft 365.
While having helped many business owners over the years set-up email address accounts (along with our own businesses) it only seemed fitting to add ‘Email Support & Services’ officially to the list of services we provide to the businesses we work with.
We’re not tied to Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 only, these are just the two most popular general options and secure platforms.
We aren’t reselling any services, we simply help others create accounts and credentials.
For Apple/Mac users, we can also help set-up the native application for your Mac, MacBook and iPhone if needed.
If you need help creating new email addresses, or switching from one service to another, we can provide you assistance.
Call 408.250.8066 to talk about how we can help you.