Success Story: Forbes Mill Steakhouse

Success Story: Forbes Mill Steakhouse

Written by Carl Foisy

Provided Support 2023-2024
Known as the Best Steakhouse in Los Gatos and a Fine Dining destination in Silicon Valley, when Forbes Mill Steakhouse contacted us about marketing services, we were excited to be considered. Being in the same family owned network of restaurants as Double D’s Sports Grille, we seamlessly connected with the team and took action instantly. While Forbes Mill Steakhouse is indeed a popular restaurant, we’ve established a regular marketing an promotions schedule, refined email marketing distribution methods, provide on-going on-site video and photography sessions, which help feed the social media team and efforts. Starting in Summer 2023, their bar and lounge was being remodeled, and web development is earmarked for early 2024.
Forbes Mill Steakhouse Los Gatos
206 North Santa Cruz Avenue,
Los Gatos, CA 95030
(408) 395-6434
What we do:
Social Media
Email Marketing
Videos & Shorts
Media Liaison