Content is only King if the Content has Context & Intent
Written by Carl Foisy
Ever since SEO was a thing, Content has been King. The phrase ‘Content is King’ has made its place in the industry and has indeed held true over the years. So much so that everybody and their brother who gives motivational advice about creating content, continues to push general creation of content, all because it’s ‘King’.
They’ll say things like ‘Just keep pushing as much content out as you can across all platforms’ and other things along those lines. BUT what they tend to forget (among other things) is while content is king, these days internet, web and digital users are more interested in Context, and social scrollers will pause scrolling when content has good Intent, etc.
The phrase ‘quality over quantity’ plays a big role with a solid content marketing plan. While frequency and timing is indeed important, the actual quality of content you create and/or share must be worthy of reading and attractive to the audiences. And when content is created with good intent and strong context, the results are tremendous with happy web users, and sustainable organic indexing….because an SEO content strategy that has context and intent pleases both the people and the machine.
These two things, Context and Intent, are lacking in most content marketing, story telling, social media, etc plans. Most plans out there only foster forcing content layered on content, with thin to no real reason beyond ‘to hopefully be seen’ when scrolling or found when searching. In reality, thin content is not king, and overflowing feeds with repetitiveness or weak messages is more damaging than helpful for a reputation….but we do things with clearer lenses for the folks we work with, and include intent and context in the plans we create.
SEO does not have an over-night success story. Quality things only go viral when it’s meaningful. And more than just quality content generation, SEO requires care and thoughtfulness for the end user who will eventually find or see the content.
Being in the early age of AI generated content, along with the epidemic of micro-sites and cross-linked mini-blogs, and the use of regurgitation of old news just to ride the wave of popular search queries, original and unique content is a standout, but more-so when it’s useful, helpful and resourceful…..which is when Context and Intent are included.
If you aren’t sure if your content plans have context or intent, we’d gladly take a look and have a chat. CONTACT US to schedule a phone call.