2023 Legacy Highlights
Written by Carl Foisy
While quite a bit of new stuff happened in 2023, we also continued to maintain media, website, photo, video, design, content, and marketing responsibilities, etc. for our legacy partners. Here are some notable happenings…

For our restaurant partners, we’ll start by saying that Double D’s Sports Grille, and Forbes Mill Steakhouse in Los Gatos, are both going strong and preparing big things for 2024. The Table received recognition by the San Jose Sign Project with a collector pin, and Lamella Tavern brought live music to Downtown Willow Glen with SJ Jazz. Capers revamped their lunch and happy hour programs, and is back to being open 7-days a week. Loft rebranded with a cooler and more elegant logo that allows more versatility in identifying their many offerings. Campbell’s Vesper & Forthright partnered with San Jose Broadway on a fun cross promotion, and Shepherd & Sims continues to receive high accolades from the community. The Hot Behind You Restaurant Group as a whole, continues to mature after opening their 6th concept.

Being the problem solvers that we are, we developed and deployed solutions to help Hop & Vine, On Call Cocktails, and Studio 10 Dance get new business organically (and with less friction). We flexed our media liaison skills with KBDC Showroom, by launching a local radio advertising campaign, and by revamping their 3rd party website. We continued to support the organizations SVRA, SVCMOAA, and DP’s NextGen, while also providing professional services to firms like Aedis Architects, Rice FC, and Ramara Farms. Lastly, we wrapped-up our Mask for Meals program 86C19, allowing it’s legacy to live forever on this MbtC website.

It’s always humbling to reflect on the local businesses we support (some for almost 2-decades). We’re proud of the relationships we’ve forged, and are fulfilled by the work we do for all of them.
Here are a few New Articles originally written and published in 2023 by Carl Foisy, a warm-bodied human.