working with a purpose

San Jose Carl

Written by Carl Foisy

‘San Jose Carl’ the DRINK: Double Espresso w/ Honey
(thats right…if Arnold Palmer can have his drink, I can too)

‘San Jose Carl’ the PERSON: Marketing Guy from SJ…read more:

After managing a city web guide for the great city of San Jose for over a decade, the people started calling me ‘San Jose Carl’. Not your average businessman or typical media-guy, I practice my craft a little different than most. CLICK HERE to vide the list of businesses, individuals and organizations I help.

I believe marketing is fun and exciting, and should never be ignored or treated as a chore. I coach teams and teach that marketing is important and should be handled with care. I believe a business’s website should not only be their hardest working employee operating 24-7 and providing all answers etc, but it should also portray authenticity with friendly usability.

I believe in Locally Grown Organic Marketing and understand the unique languages of each different outlet and platform. I understand that marketing will always take time to manage and maintain, and take pride in my high-efficiency rate to handle business for those I work with within a timely manner. And one thing that really makes me different from the ret, is that there is very little I wouldn’t do for someone I work with, in using my marketing and business expertise, to help them succeed.

I’ve received frequently asked questions over the years and wanted to share my answers here. Thank you for your curiosity and I hope you enjoy the info.

Q – What do you do?
A – Marketing and media specialties with an emphasis on digital, focusing on locally owned businesses big and small. In a nutshell, everything online and offline (within reason) to help a business succeed and achieve the goal or goals they’ve paid me todo. The list of services here on my website is current, and with a quick phone call, we can figure out if I can help you. 408.250.8066

Q – Who do you work for?
A – I’m self-employed, and partner with trusted locals to offer full-service marketing solutions to locally-owned businesses. As for the types of business I work for, we work with all types. From family-owned restaurants and local professional services to large manufacturing and construction companies, I can do it all.

Q – Where do you work?
A – It’s easy to work from home and remotely with the type of work I do, and being a San Jose resident, I focus primarily on Greater Silicon Valley and South Bay area businesses. I feel this ensures a stronger connection and bond with the businesses that hire me.

Q – How do you work with businesses?
A – Once a business hires me, they have on-call access to me directly, and any service I offer is theirs to use. We work together on an as-needed basis and/or we have an ongoing schedule of things todo. But before I get into the good stuff and start working, the business and I decide if there is a fit. If there is indeed a fit and the business decides to hire me, after handling docs and accounting, we start off with a deeper dive into the needs and goals, to then begin to outline our plan of attack. Everything I do has a purpose and I don’t take action until aligned with the business’s goals.

Q – What are your rates?
A – I don’t publish my rates online. Typically during the first phone call and proposal, I’ll share my hourly rates and options.

Q – Can you fix my old website?
A – The simple Answer is ‘most likely yes’. But the not-so-simple answer is ‘Only maybe because it can be much more complicated than it seems, which happens the majority of the time, and typically leads to a higher cost to do work.’. And I typically give this advice as a ‘heads-up’ before doing any fixing of an older website. It’s always a case-by-case situation. With today’s technology, it’s much easier and affordable to rebuild a modern and more accessible website than before. But. going back to the Simple Answer, Yes editing and fixing websites is one of my specialties.

For businesses and individuals in the Greater San Jose/Silicon Valley area looking for help, give me a call, and let’s figure out if I can help you.  408-250-8066

Welcoming Autumn & Staying Busy