Websites Need Regular Updates
Written by Carl Foisy
Very much like a mobile phone or computer, websites need updates and maintenance to work properly. Well, at least the high quality, goal achieving, and well-functioning websites we build do. Back in the old HTML days, we used to be able to build websites that were static for years. But those days are gone. We still know how to navigate through and manipulate those old websites, but these days we use best-in-class WordPress infrastructure to build websites. As WordPress website development experts, we are happy that WordPress’s advancements and cutting-edge technology makes it simple for us to maintain a website’s integrity, while allowing users to seamlessly interact and experience the websites we build, very much like how we can update mobile phones, computers, and devices to work as intended.
It’s not uncommon for a business owner to not understand this part of website management. And it’s ok when they don’t because having a website is still quite new for locally owned businesses, considering there are several businesses that do not have a website, let alone own their digital identity or business name web address. This is where we come in to educate the folks we work with about fair transparent practices and expectations for regular website upkeep. Because these days, websites aren’t set-it-and-forget-it. They require attention.
Using the comparison of how mobile phones and apps need constant updates in order to work properly, is the best way for folks to begin to understand how websites work the same way. We have all experienced a cell phone that is out of date and starts to work funky. It’s frustrating to use and deal with. Now, a website does not need updating because the website is broken, but there are indeed dozens of reasons why a website needs to be updated. Things like improved loading speed and security features are common, but other reasons like browner readiness and device responsiveness are equally important. And while developers of WordPress themes and plugins, or search engine and browser companies are constantly pushing out improvements and tech updates, we do our due diligence to keep the sites we build and manage up to date and in good working order by applying these regular updates. The last thing we want is for a website user to have a frustrating or funky experience on a website we built because the website was not up-to-date. While the biggest thing we want is for the websites we build to work the way they are intended too, and to make a lasting impression on the website user no matter if it’s a first impression or a longtime subscriber.
When we build new websites, we charge development fees for the time it takes to complete the project. And after we launch the website, it requires an average 15-30 minutes per month to maintain the integrity of the website’s technology. Yes, there are rare occasions where bigger or more frequent updates are sent to us and the tasks can take upwards of an hour in some situations. It happens when it happens, but it always happens for the betterment of the website and its users. In all cases, we make updates the safest way we can to avoid disruption to service or any potential downtime, while maintaining a level of transparency on our work unmatched by other agencies.
We wrote this article to help the people we work with understand the basics of what it takes to maintain a website after it’s launched and live for users. This isn’t a new standard for websites, it’s just a new expectation for business owners to know and understand. If you have questions about this topic or need more details, CONTACT US and we’ll gladly help.